Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What I think about our blogs...

I think the idea of having our own blog and hiding our identities is awesome.  It gives us the unique opportunity to submit our ideas and thoughts without having to worry about how others might think.  It's interesting to see what people in our class really think about.  It makes you think about your fellow students, they're not just part of the student body, they're real people with real concerns and worries.  We tend to forget that about others, that they are not just "others," but fellow humans.

Love is...

Love is inside, but outside as well. Love is sharing. Love is together.
     Love is spending time. Love is hurting. Love is understanding.
Love is watching the snow fall outside. Love is natural. Love is silent.
     Love is seeing past someone's faults.  Love is expression.  Love is feeling alone in a crowded room.
Love is more than I. Love is communication deeper than speech.  Love is what motivates us to live.

Love is too broad a word.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Intro

Well, about me.  I'm a high school senior with a demanding job.  I actually work more than I go to school, which doesn't give me a lot of time to do homework.  But I try to make my posts meaningful, more than just an assignment.  I'm an avid hiker and backpacker.  I enjoy exploring the mountains around us, and I feel lucky to live near them.
 There are some of us in this class that truly want to be writers.  And then there or those who just want the English credit.  I don't know which group I belong to yet.